Where does it hurt?

Effective communication has to be two way and it has to be instantaneous. Excel spreadsheets, SMS, email, these are all great tools but in isolation from other users who also need to view the information they suffer from being "Data Silos" invisible to those who most need visibility and are non reportable as a whole.

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Mega Cool RFS

Refrigeration and freezing have been in use since the first ancestor stumbled across a frozen Mammoth and found it good. It wasn't until a process for creating cold conditions artificially was invented that cold stores either portable of fixed could be used anywhere there was power to run them.

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Modern Times

Birth, Growth, Maturity, decline, death. The paradigm of life is echoed in thousands of systems we have created. democracy, Capitalism, Life insurance, they all mimic the natural cycle so it should come as no surprise that all these systems are flawed. They all need sustained growth to survive.

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Just in Time

Synchronicity is at the heart of time and time management. Being out of synch' can greatly impact efficiency. Missed appointments equal lost opportunity and wasted time, something we try to minimise as pressure to pack more into each day increases.

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A new beacon in the gloom?

Beacons are an interesting foray into the world of “Point of Interest Information” that can be called up by devices like mobile phones when the phone is in proximity to a transmitting beacon.

Several things have to be in place before a beacon can be “Read”

First: the beacon has to be transmitting, then the mobile has to have one or all of these services activated.

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